Liên Lạc Với Chúng Tôi

Family Choice

7631 Wyoming Street, Suite 107
Westminster, CA 92683


    Tên *

    Họ *

    Số Điện Thoại *

    Địa Chỉ Email *

    Tôi muốn có thông tin về *

    Tôi Là *

    Ý Kiến

    We welcome the opportunity to provide you additional information, or answer any questions you may have on Family Choice. Please contact a representative at the following department numbers:

    General Information

    (818) 461-5000


    (818) 461-5006 – General Inquiries

    (818) 817-5623 – Stat Requests

    Cal Optima Member Services

    (800) 611-0111

    Claims Customer Services

    (818) 461-5055

    (888) 445-0062, ext 5055


    (818) 461-5000


    (818) 461-5049

    Member Services

    (818) 461-5037

    (888) 445-0062, ext. 5037

    Claims Mailing Address

    PO Box 261040

    ENCINO, CA 91426

    Provider Dispute Resolution

    PO Box 261760

    ENCINO, CA 91426